Years ago, I made a photo tutorial about the most frequent question I get from my beginner crochet students: how do I make my edges in double crochet look neat instead of wavy and wonky?

Double crochet can be super confusing to learn, because it’s such a tall stitch. Its height requires a significant turning chain, and that turning chain is what creates the confusion that leads to wobbly edges.

The good news is, you’re so not alone if you’re confused or frustrated by this! As I said, it’s the single most common question I’m asked.

The slideshow below is a new and different way of presenting my photo tutorial, and I hope it helps you! Toggle the “autoplay” switch in the top-right to either advance the slides by clicking, or to have them advance automatically.

Also, you obviously don’t need my beginner crochet class. 😁 That’s just the way the app listed it when I put it in, and I realized too late that I couldn’t move it to the end. But the class is super comprehensive – it covers everything you need to know to get started crocheting, and it also covers loads of things that will help you if you already know the basic stitches. There’s three-and-a-half hours of instruction in there. If that sounds good, check it out.

How To Make Neat Edges in Double Crochet by kpwerker on Jumprope.
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