I tried so many creative challenges and failed at every single one. In this week’s podcast, hear about what I changed in my approach that finally led me not only to succeed at finishing a challenge, but that enabled me to establish a daily creative practice that didn’t stress me out but made – and continues to make – me so happy.
Show Notes
- Each episode this season begins with a short clip of a maker or artist talking about a recent project they were obsessed with. I recorded all of these in April of 2019 at Camp Thundercraft, a retreat for creative businesspeople held each spring and hosted by the folks behind Urban Craft Uprising. I’m very excited to be going back to teach two classes at the 2020 retreat coming up.
- This week, we hear from macrame artist Katie George. This is the La Croix project she mentions. 😠right?
- In the pod I list four things you can do to set yourself up to succeed at forming or maintaining a healthy creative practice and habit.
- Plus a bonus you can (I mean, should if I’m gonna get all prescriptive about it) apply to the beginning stages of doing or making anything new.
- Here’s a direct link to the group Alice formed that’s just for folks working on a daily project or creative habit. Joining our online community is free!
- If you’d like more help identifying what you need and want from a creative habit so you can design one that’s easy and natural to keep, the Year of Making ebook will help. And be sure to subscribe to my newsletter so you hear about workshops as soon as I announce them.
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