October is for weaving! At least, that’s what we’ve declared it to be over in the forums.

Since one of the most amazing things about connecting with other makers is learning from each other, we wanted to see what would happen if we set aside some time to focus on a particular kind of craft.

So this month, we’re diving into weaving. (Most of us know nothing about it!)

Community members who know a thing or two about weaving will be sharing tips, tricks, tutorials and projects. And even those of us who are total newbs will be sharing our trials and errors and successes as we give weaving a shot for the first (or second or third) time.

No fancy equipment required! Just a desire to try a new thing, cheer people on, and learn something new.

Our forums are free to join! Just head on over, create an account, and dive into Weaving Month.

Our community is free to join because it’s supported by Supporting members who kick in a few bucks each month to cover our operating costs (which include my time and skill); as such, Supporting members enjoy live video chats with me, their own private video chat room, a monthly newsletter, and more.

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