You know I’ve been fixated on having fun making stuff, yeah? I’m totally fixated on it. On not feeling stressed about making stuff, on not feeling defeated if a project goes south, on getting back in touch to how we felt when we were kids and we knew in our hearts that we could make anything and it would be awesome.

So I’m fully embracing my goal to be a camp counsellor for the rest of my life, and I’m launching the first in what I intend to be a wide assortment of online classes that are all about trying new kinds of things and having fun making stuff.

Daily Making Jumpstart: 14-days of tips and projects to help you start a daily creative habit. Registration is now open!

Introducing the Daily Making Jumpstart

First up: A 14-day guided adventure in forming an art- or craft-making habit.

There are so many great reasons to establish a daily creative practice.

  • Maybe you want to give yourself permission to experiment. To try new things or stick with the things you love most.
  • Maybe you want to connect with other people who want to explore and experiment and, above all, just make stuff.
  • Maybe you want to finish the projects you’ve got piled up in the corner.
  • Maybe you want to take that class you’ve been eyeing.
  • Maybe you don’t make anything at all yet, but you want to start.

Whether you want to take on a full year of daily making, commit yourself to 100 days, or even just use this guided adventure as a two-week trial to see how it goes, this course will help get you started. Instead of staring at a blank calendar begging to be filled with nothing short of brilliant creative acts, you’ll start with daily prompts, tips, tasks, options and directions. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.

Click to Register!

The Jumpstart is for any kind of making – it’s designed so you can apply the lessons to whatever you want to make, regardless of the medium, from painting to photography to crocheting to cooking.

I’ll ask you questions I wish I’d asked myself when I first committed to make something every day (two years ago, and I’ve been at it ever since!). It took me months to see the potential in what I was doing, and I don’t want you to wait that long. I’ll help you get in touch with why you make stuff, why you want to make stuff, and I’ll help you explore your whole creative experience in a way that helps you have more fun with it.

What You Get

  • Starting on January 1st, 2016 (or the day after you register if it’s after that date) you’ll receive one lesson every day for two weeks. Some will involve thinking hard about your creative experience, some will involve making particular things, all will help you establish a daily creative practice that makes you feel good, not stressed out or doomed to fail.
  • Access to the lessons and course material forever, so you can work at your own pace.
  • An invitation to the private Daily Making Jumpstart Facebook group, where you can get to know and support other people who are also starting (or continuing) a daily creative practice.
  • If you choose the + Ebook option only: A copy of the Year of Making ebook (a $12 value), for further exploration of a long-term daily project, with worksheets, links and ideas. If you don’t already have a copy of the ebook, this option will provide you with more worksheets, ideas, and food for thought.

Who Is This For?

The Daily Making Jumpstart is for you if:

  • you’re a crafter or artist and want to reinvigorate your practice by regularly dedicating time to creating.
  • you don’t consider yourself a capital-C Crafter or capital-A Artist, but you want to feel creative as a part of who you are. (It doesn’t matter if you feel like you have talent or not. It doesn’t matter if you feel like you’re totally not creative. All that matters is that you want to be and feel creative.)
  • you want to make creativity a priority in your life – even if you’re pretty sure you’ll make utterly awful stuff, but you want to have fun trying anyway.
  • you want to discover – or rediscover – the fun you can have when you make stuff.
  • you want to prioritize your creativity in a way that doesn’t stress you out or otherwise overwhelm you.

The Jumpstart is probably not for you if you have no interest in challenging yourself creativity, if you have no interest in making stuff, if you’re uninterested in having fun with art or craft, or if you’ve never wondered what it would be like to truly and properly see yourself as a creative person.

Click to Register!

By the End of the Course

  • You’ll know which aspects of your creativity you want to explore further, which skills you want to learn, which kinds of making make you feel good and which kinds make you miserable.
  • You’ll have some great strategies to rely on during times when you feel stuck or blocked or hear the siren song of procrastination or, even worse, defeat.
  • You’ll know what it feels like to meet your own personal creative challenges.
  • You’ll have a taste of the potential a long-term daily making project holds for you.

Follow the lessons every day, or spread them out over weeks or even months – it’s totally up to you. You’ll have access to the course material forever.

Right when you register, you’ll gain access to the main course page and the introduction. If you choose the Year of Making ebook option (which you should if you don’t already have a copy!), your introduction will include a link to download the book, which delves deeper into why establishing a yearlong daily making practice is a good idea, and walks you through how to do it. Read through it before January 1st, or save it till the course begins – your choice!

I hope to start 2016 adventuring with you, and having loads of fun making stuff!

Click to Register!

Daily Making Jumpstart: 14-days of tips and projects to help you start a daily creative habit. Registration is now open!
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