photo of shawl

Here’s an utterly crappy photo of my new favourite shawl. Oh, how I love simple, simple knitting. It’s the closest I get to self-directed calm.

I used one skein of SweetGeorgia Yarns Tough Love Sock in the colourway Felicia custom-dyed for Knit City last October. Here are all the project details, on Ravelry.

Speaking of Knit City, I’ll be teaching there! “Funny,” you must be thinking, “Kim never mentions teaching.”

That’s because I never teach! Not my favourite thing to do! But after I spoke at last year’s Knit City – about crochet, to a roomful of mostly knitters – I was inspired. I was also encouraged by people who came up to me that whole weekend to tell me my talk led them to think about crochet in a whole new way. By the end of the weekend, I had a whole class outline in my brain.

So I’m very excited to be teaching crochet – specifically for knitters! – at the 2nd annual Knit City in October. And by “crochet for knitters” I most certainly do not mean “for only minimal use like picking up stitches or adding an edging or doing a provisional cast on.” By “crochet for knitters” I mean that I’ll be teaching beginner crochet in a way specifically tailored to people who already know how yarn works (and who may have a healthy skepticism about crochet). It’s beginner crochet, taught just for knitters.

I hope to see you there. And lest you think you must be local to attend such a fabulous event, allow me to tell you now that teachers and speakers will be coming from all over for it, and Vancouver is an outstanding city to visit. So you should come, no matter where you live. You just should.


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