Though I’m generally disinclined to sell stuff, I’ve really been enjoying managing our Indiegogo campaign to make Taco Hat TV[1. Haven’t heard about the project yet? THTV is a web show for curious people and makers. I’m the co-producer and host and I’m working with another producer here in Vancouver, Ben Z Cooper, to make a show about the skills and fundamental knowledge that underlies a whole range of DIY pursuits. We need your help to make the pilot season. Please back the show on Indiegogo!]. I’m surprised by this, to be honest. I thought I’d be really stressed out and uncomfortable, and although there are certainly things I might do differently were I to run a campaign like this again, I’ve felt nothing but stoked and energized. I suppose that’s because I really and truly and deeply believe in this project. It’s easy to badger ask people for their hard-earned cash when you’re certain you’ll be spending it wisely and well and for the betterment of humanity.

We’re barely a third of the way to our goal of raising $9,000 to make the pilot season, and we know it’ll take a minor miracle to raise over six grand in a week. But we’re going to give it our all because we love this project so very much.

Taco Dance animated gif

If you’ve been meaning to back the show but haven’t gotten around to it, now’s a great time to do it. We’ve got some rad perks to thank you for your support, too.

If you’re hesitant to back the show, please drop me a note in the comments and let me know what concerns you. It’s quite possible we haven’t explained ourselves well enough, and we may have the answers you’re looking for. (And we may not, and it’s totally cool if you want to hold onto your money.)

Here’s our latest video update. If you want to see more of that dancing taco, please help us achieve the impossible this week!

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