These last few weeks, I’ve been working on a huge side project on top of my regular work, and though I’m in love with this side project, it’s possible this has been the toughest month of work I’ve ever had. Somehow, before now, I always managed to have my big creative projects be my main work. And though I’m hoping this side project will become my main work, for now I’m living in an almost constant state of exhausted overwhelm.

And tomorrow’s a big deadline that I not only have to meet, but that I have to own. I must achieve all the metaphors. I must put my game face on and hit it out of the park and be the ball and show me the money and why are all the metaphors I’m thinking of sports-related?

It’s 4:00 and I’m too tired to feel the rush of the eleventh-hour crunch.

So I watched Neil Gaiman’s commencement address to the 2012 graduating class of the University of the Arts. And it helped to clear my head. And it is wonderful. You should watch it, too.

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