You know Project Spectrum, yes? Organized by Lolly for several rounds over the last few years, it’s a colour-based creativity project. Though I’ve known about it for a long time, I haven’t participated in the project until the round that started this month (it runs through November). The focus is on the colour wheel this time around, and each month is assigned a different colour or pair of colours. The gist is that you use that colour in some sort of creative way – you can make stuff with it, photograph it, write about it, whatever.

May is for red and orange, and though I still don’t have much time for crafting, I’m finding that this colour focus is making me feel more creative, even without much time. It’s the constraint. Sometimes limiting the focus of your work, or even of your perspective, can be downright liberating.

I’ve done two Project Spectrum-related projects this month, and here’s the first. A couple of weeks ago, on a rare sunny day, I looked out for red things when I took a walk. Then I took photos with my iPhone. That’s it. It wasn’t, like, a creative revelation or anything, but it was a fun addition to my walk and I enjoyed it immensely.

Stay tuned for that second project, which is decidedly craftier.

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