Help! What should we plant this year?, originally uploaded by kpwerker.
This is the week for putting in the garden chez Werker. We’re going to take an hour here or there to go pick up seeds and plants so we can avoid the crowds this coming long weekend. I missed gardening last summer; I was crazed and busy and I’m really looking forward to getting back into it this season.
In the past we’ve put in tomatoes, peas, green beans, zucchini, and cucumbers with great success. Butternut squash not so much. Carrots were so-so. It’s a small garden, but I want to have as much usable food as possible, and I’m tempted to try preserving some for winter (though I never have, so don’t want to count on it). I’ve labeled the photo with the stuff that’s perennial; the stakes are leftover from last season; we’ll remove and replace them as needed. We also have some planter boxes closer to the house; we’ll grow some lettuce in them, in addition to herbs.
We’ll definitely put in tomatoes; beyond that, I’m open to suggestion. What do you think? Got any ideas for this shabby organic urban garden that gets fairly good light in zone 8 conditions, and has a handy drip irrigation system for low-consumption watering?
god knows that every plant i touch turns to a withered, dry mess… but from when i was younger i know we had some luck with strawberries and my mom has had great success with peppers. i, myself, am trying my luck with basil and parsley. i’ll document my progress and cross my fingers that i don’t bring death to my seedlings.